Halloween Treat

I know it’s been a long time between posts and if you follow my Facebook page, you will know why so I’m not going to get into it here right now. Instead, I just wanted to share a treat with you for Halloween.


The next book in the Harry Russo Diaries is in the works with a yet to be determined release date in early 2018, but I thought I would share the title and blurb with you now to celebrate Halloween, one of my favourite times of the year. Enjoy!

Dead to Me, The Harry Russo Diaries, volume 5
by Lisa Emme


Angharad “Harry” Russo is a half-vampire witch with the power to raise the dead. No surprise that her life is not what you would call normal, but that won’t stop her from trying.  So maybe she was almost disemboweled by a demon, that’s no reason for her sexy boyfriend, homicide detective Cian Nash to give her the cold shoulder, is it?  One thing’s for sure, Harry’s not going to let his behaviour slide.  She’ll get to the bottom of it even if it means sitting him down and tying him to a chair.  But first there’s the little mystery of some damaged roses and stolen jewels to solve.  Add in a flirty stranger with mysterious powers, a cat burglar and a feathered accomplice, and Harry’s off on another adventure.  Unfortunately, it’s not all fun and games.  When the leaders of the supernatural community go missing, the race is on to find who’s behind their abductions before it’s too late.

Cover reveal and pre-order forthcoming. Stay tuned!

Happy Halloween!



No, you don’t have to say “Bless you” or “Gesundheit!” I didn’t just sneeze. I’m not sick. I’m just a book-a-holic, or as I prefer, a bibliophile. Turns out the Japanese, being the civilized people that they are, actually have a word for it: Tsundoku, the act of stockpiling more books than can be consumed. Read the full article here.

not hoarding

Dancing in the Snow

This winter has been a snowy one.  We’ve received a lot of the white stuff. I live in the prairies of Canada and snow is a given for this time of year (and will stick around for months) so we are used to it, but that doesn’t mean we don’t complain.

Someone isn’t complaining though, these guys (while they don’t live in my part of Canada) decided to make the most of it. You might have seen this somewhere before. I had this entry all ready to go a month ago and forgot to schedule it. I decided to post it anyway because I just get a kick out these guys. Hope this helps your winter blues!

Shout out to the Maritime Bhangra Group. You rock!

Happy Chrismukkah!


At this time of year there is always a debate, do you say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays? I’m not actually religious, but I do celebrate Christmas. It’s a time to remember family and friends and be thankful for the past year. I love it – the lights on the tree, the food, the songs, the sappy movies, the presents (especially giving them).

As far as wishing someone Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas goes, I probably fall along a 50-50 split. If I know they celebrate Christmas then that’s my go to, if I’m unsure then it’s probably Happy Holidays. Or, if I know Hanukkah is their thing, I have no problem wishing them a Happy Hanukkah and if they say it to me, I take it in the spirit it is given and smile and say “thanks, you too”. Same goes for Kwanza.

I found this video the other day and thought it was a perfect way to wish everyone the best of the holiday season.

Whether you’re lighting the menorah, trimming the tree or counting the days of Kwanza with a kinara, I wish you a safe and happy holiday!  For the next few days, I’ll be counting down to Christmas. Join me as I share some of my favourite things about this time of year.

The link below is probably ugly, but I can’t seem to get it to embed or hyperlink so just click it and a new window will open with the video.


Starships & Sorcery


Are you from the Greater Toronto Area? Then why not join in the fun and check out the Starships & Sorcery Sci-Fi/Fantasy Festival at the Oshawa Public Library?  They have a variety of events scheduled from now until October 25th, including a photo op with the TARDIS, a Star Wars party, Harry Potter crafts and Star Trek trivia night.  There is also the opportunity to meet several talented writers in the Fantasy and Sci-Fi genres including me!

I will be at the Oshawa Public Library, Northview Branch on October 22 at 2pm. Join me as I answer your questions and read from the Harry Russo Diaries. I’ll also be signing copies of Harry’s books. I hope to see you there!

We Have a Winner



Congratulations to Leslee C. the first winner of a $25 Amazon gift certificate. Leslee was randomly selected from all the subscribers to my mailing list after the first one hundred new sign-ups mark was reached.  Leslee has been contacted and her gift certificate delivered.


Don’t worry if you didn’t win this time, I’ve reset the count and once I get another one hundred sign-ups, I’ll do another draw.

Remember, winners are randomly picked from ALL names on the list (so if you have already signed up, you’re automatically entered and you are eligible for every subsequent draw).

Subscribers to my mailing list get the news first.  They were the first to know about Tantor Media picking up Harry’s stories for audio and they will be the first to know the yet to be released name of Harry’s next book.

So, what are you waiting for? If you haven’t already, join my mailing list by clicking HERE.