Sounds Like…A Good Time Coming Soon

I’m so excited that in about two weeks time you will be able to listen to Harry’s first adventure as well as read it.

As you may know, I have been working with Tantor Media on getting the first three books of the Harry Russo Diaries out as audio books.  First they let me select the very talented Dara Rosenberg to narrate (I think she will be a great fit for Harry).  And then, because we weren’t able to easily get the rights to change my covers to fit the audio book requirements, a whole new cover was designed for Dead and Kicking (the other covers will follow).  While I was a bit disappointed that we couldn’t use the great covers I already had, I was also kind of curious to see what a completely different designer (in this case, Matthew Frederick) would come up with for Harry.  I think he did a fantastic job. What do you think?

G1148_DeadKicking final

You can check out Tantor’s listing for Harry’s books here.  They still have the original covers up as placeholders right now though.  Amazon is also already listing the audio books for pre-order.

Happy Star Wars Day!

It’s May the fourth….Star Wars Day. Get it??


As you probably know, Harry is a big fan of Star Wars. I think she’d be celebrating today with her well-worn copies of Episodes IV, V and VI, a huge bowl of buttery popcorn, and of course, her partner in crime, Tess.  Or maybe they might have already rushed out and bought their copy of Force Awakens. I can almost hear the arguments now over which movie was better A New Hope or Force Awakens. What do you think?



Amazon Top Twenty

Dead and Kicking has been out for about six months now and I have been very happy with results. When I first published, I really didn’t know what to expect. Would anyone (besides friends and relatives) buy my book?

Top 20 zon com Apr 5

Well, the answer is yes! You have been buying it. In fact, Dead and Kicking just broke into the top twenty on yesterday. While it has been in the top twenty frequently on the site, this is the first time it has hit the top twenty in the much larger US market.

Besides being an accomplishment in itself, hitting the top twenty also has the added benefit of increasing Dead and Kicking‘s visibility on Amazon. This means that even more readers looking for something to read in urban fantasy will see Harry’s first book and hopefully buy it.

A big thank you to everyone that has already bought Dead and Kicking. Can I ask a favour though? How about leaving a review on Amazon, Goodreads or whatever retailer you purchased your copy from? Reviews are the fuel in the marketing engine, especially for an independent author such as myself, and now that more people are finding Dead and Kicking, your favourable review might just be the extra push they need to decide to click ‘Buy’. It’s not hard to leave a quick, honest review. It only takes a couple sentences.

book review easy

Thanks again, and don’t forget Tooth and Claw is already available and Deadlocked is set for release on June 6th! Pre-order your copy today.

Harry Can Take Care of Herself



Excerpt from Dead and Kicking

…I crept as quietly as I could, but it was pretty much a given that I couldn’t hide from a vampire’s amped up hearing or sense of smell.  When I reached the end of the wall dividing the hall and the kitchen, I started to peek around the corner only to be abruptly grabbed and thrown against the wall.

“Gaak!”  I said.  Hey, you try talking when a six foot goon with the strength of a vampire has his arm cross your windpipe.

Tomas had pinned my knife hand as well as my throat.  He grinned at me smugly.  I could see Salvador lounging unconcerned across the room.  My vision began to blur from the lack of oxygen as I let my knees give out a little, shifting more of my weight onto his arm.  Surprised, he loosened his grip enough that I was able to take a rasping breath.  I quickly brought my knee up to his groin as hard as I could.  It was satisfying to know that whatever he was, he still felt it when he got one in the ‘nads.  Tomas let go of my arm and I slid down the wall.  Unwilling to hope that a shot to the junk was enough to keep him down, I followed through with a quick punch to his throat.  He fell to one knee and I sprang away…

Dead and Kicking – The Harry Russo Diaries, volume 1
By Lisa Emme

Available at Amazon, Kobo, iTunes and Barnes & Noble


Start at the Beginning

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What are you waiting for?

Excerpt from Dead and Kicking:

…The basement of the club was a warren of dark, narrow hallways lined with doors behind which, who knew what was happening.  Unfortunately the throbbing beat from the dance floor above wasn’t enough to drown out some of the sounds filtering through the odd door, so I had a pretty good idea of what was going on behind at least some of them.

A door abruptly opened as we were walking past and I caught a glimpse inside, confirming my suspicions.  We were in an S&M sex club.  A few steps later, another door opened and a tall, blonde vampire wearing 5-inch, lace up platform ankle boots stepped out into the hall.  She pulled a gauzy robe on over her black, patent leather corset.

“Now you be a very good boy Murray and wait there for me.”  She tapped the end of a riding crop against her black leather glove.  “You know what happens when you are naughty.”  She turned and saw me, raising an appraising eyebrow.  “Come to play, Kitten?” she purred, reaching out with the end of the riding crop to stroke my cheek.

I flinched away, not wanting it to touch me and she laughed.  I turned and looked her in the eye and it was her turn to flinch.  “Not unless you want me to snap that thing in half and stake you through the heart with it, Sweetheart.”  I smiled sweetly and her eyes widened in surprise.  Her face twisted into a snarl and she took a step towards me.

Stefan put a hand against her chest, giving her a little push backwards.  “Not now Simeen, this one’s not for you.”

Simeen threw me a contemptuous look and then turned with a flourish.  Her robe billowed behind her like a cape as she stalked off down the hall.  The cheeks of her bare ass jiggled as she walked.  It kind of ruined the whole effect…

Dead and Kicking – The Harry Russo Diaries, volume 1
By Lisa Emme

Available at Amazon, Kobo, iTunes and Barnes & Noble

What’s Next? Kobo Next!

Marketing your own book is hard, especially when you really don’t know what you are doing. I’ve experimented with a few things. Some were moderate hits, most misses. The next big thing is Kobo Next and starting today, Dead and Kicking is being promoted by Kobo as “your next must-read”.

I was very excited to get accepted into the Kobo Next program. Kobo Next is a curated list, as selected by merchandisers, of some of the best titles available on Kobo. For the next two weeks Dead and Kicking will be promoted by Kobo, displayed on the main page for at least one week and remain in the carousel of featured books for the next several weeks. Kobo presents these titles as “hidden gems that are poised to become the next big thing…” and they promote them throughout the month in various banners and emails. Hopefully this will get Harry’s series some much needed exposure on Kobo. Perfect timing with Tooth and Claw coming out in a little over a week.

Kobo Next

The Jingle Book Blog Hop Continues


Get in the holiday spirit by hopping along with me on the Jingle Book Blog Hop.  Check out my post on Christmas Spirit for all the details.  Don’t forget there is a Grand Prize giveaway for a $25 Amazon Gift Card.  I’m also offering a chance to win one of five digital copies (epub or mobi) of Dead and Kicking.  Just comment on the original post and your name will be entered in the draw. Sign up for my mailing list (here) and get an extra entry to the draw.